Thursday, January 05, 2006

Principles of Physics

  • Principles of Classical Mechanics - Classical mechanics was the order which was believed to be true for a long time, and still it is applied to systems like machines, motionns of planets and many other macroscopic phenomena. Newton's laws of motion are the main laws that explain a wide range of phenomena.

  • Principles of Electricity and Magnetism - Ideas of electromagnetism have been developing over a long period of time, and the different ideas were unified by Maxwell in his famous eqations of electromagnetism. Read about the ideas of fields and how they interact with charges.

  • Principles of Quantum Physics - Quantum Physics was developed when the laws of classical physics could no longer explain the newly discovered phenomena at that time. Now it has explained many new phenomena and has given insight into the way the world is constituted at atomic scale. It has many counter-intutive ideas and strange predictions.

  • Principles of Relativity - One of the most fascinating and revolutionary discoveries were the principles of relativity. Einstein resolved a mystery by changing the ideas of space and time help by physicists at that time. Phenomena like time dilation, length contraction are difficult to understand through common sense and yet very fascinating. General relativity is considered to be one of the biggest intellectual achievements of the human mind.

  • Principles of Optics

  • Principles of Atomic Physics

  • Principles of Thermodynamics

  • Principles of Nuclear Physics

  • Principles of Waves

  • Principles of Particle Physics


Salih Kırcalar said...

John David Best has his web site Vida İnstitute. He put my articles page in 'Timeflow Theory' ''. Vida Institute is intersting site. And my web site is

In addition,
I think that, my mathematical formula 'Time Flow' explains mind with time relationship. Do I right ? Can you delve in this ?
In your opinion, discovery of a planet is more exciting. Or, as I've presented in the attached article, whether observing 'A very tiniest mass in the space, having completed its life, have been turning into energy' would be more exciting or not ? It is my belief that, this observation will be the proof of the General and the Special Theory of Relativity. This observation can be made only by NASA or ESA. I hope that I will be able to see this consequence while I'm still alive.

Salih Kırcalar said...

John David Best has his web site Vida İnstitute. He put my articles page in 'Timeflow Theory' ''. Vida Institute is intersting site. And my web site is

In addition,
I think that, my mathematical formula 'Time Flow' explains mind with time relationship. Do I right ? Can you delve in this ?
In your opinion, discovery of a planet is more exciting. Or, as I've presented in the attached article, whether observing 'A very tiniest mass in the space, having completed its life, have been turning into energy' would be more exciting or not ? It is my belief that, this observation will be the proof of the General and the Special Theory of Relativity. This observation can be made only by NASA or ESA. I hope that I will be able to see this consequence while I'm still alive.

Salih Kırcalar said...

John David Best has his web site Vida İnstitute. He put my articles page in 'Timeflow Theory' ''. Vida Institute is intersting site. And my web site is

In addition,
I think that, my mathematical formula 'Time Flow' explains mind with time relationship. Do I right ? Can you delve in this ?
In your opinion, discovery of a planet is more exciting. Or, as I've presented in the attached article, whether observing 'A very tiniest mass in the space, having completed its life, have been turning into energy' would be more exciting or not ? It is my belief that, this observation will be the proof of the General and the Special Theory of Relativity. This observation can be made only by NASA or ESA. I hope that I will be able to see this consequence while I'm still alive.